“Help! I’ve been summoned” in collaboration with MIPS (Medical Indemnity Protection Society).
The “Help! I’ve Been Summoned” webinar is designed to provide valuable insights, guidance, and practical advice to psychiatrists and mental health clinicians who find themselves called upon as non-expert witnesses in legal proceedings.
The educational event aims to alleviate the anxiety and uncertainty often experienced by medical witnesses and offer them the tools to navigate the legal process confidently.
The speakers include Dr. Alexandra Riddoch, Dr. Owen Bradfield, Mr. Nevin Agnew, Ms. Emma Monger, Prof. Phillip Morris and Dr. Arjun Khaira. They all bring a huge amount of experience and insights that no Psychiatrist should miss.
The Webinar is on:
Date: 18th March 2024
Time: 7:30 pm AEDT (Syd, Melb, Canb Time).
We have limited spots so don’t miss out