Challenges for Psychiatry Today!

Free Webinar to discuss the issues impacting our profession

Challenges for Psychiatry Today!

13th February 2023
8.00pm – 9.30pm (AEDST)

Over the last 5 years, the world has changed quite significantly, and so has our profession.  We are at the crossroad of a number of challenges Psychiatry faces both externally and internally.

In this webinar, we will be exploring some of the challenges our profession is facing such as:

  • Does the profession of psychiatry have a future? Will up-skilled GPs and nurses replace the general psychiatrist workforce?
  • Is the bio-psycho-social-cultural model dead? Are psychiatrists merely bio-medical technicians?
  • Whatever happened to the concept of the mind? Is an everyday and unreflective theory of mind dangerous in psychiatric practice?
  • Are psychodynamic psychotherapy principles relevant to modern psychiatric treatment? Whatever happened to the doctor patient relationship?  Is human relatedness anti-suicidal?
  • Is Australian societal diversity reflected in, and by, the profession?
  • What is happening to private practice? Could the Medical Board set up a more appropriate CPD?  How are private practitioners able to contribute to health policy?
  • Can psychiatric trainees experience more than custodial care, depot medications and involuntary treatment as settings for training opportunities?
  • Will Australian-style managed care deprive private hospital psychiatrists of independent clinical decision-making?


Prof Philip Morris AM
Adult Psychiatrist, Psychogeriatrician and President of National Association of Practicing Psychiatrists.

Dr Pia Brous
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Treasurer of National Association of Practicing Psychiatrists.


Meeting Chair

Dr Vivienne Elton
Psychoanalyst and Vice President of National Association of Practicing Psychiatrists.

Free Registration

Limited Spaces

Date: Mon 13th Feb
Time: 8pm (AEDT)

In order to keep track of numbers, registration is limited to one individual.