Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Contemporary Psychiatric Practice & Mental Health Care Webinar

FREE Webinar

Psychodynamic psychotherapy in contemporary psychiatric practice & mental health care

15th February 2022
7.30pm – 9.30pm (AEST)

Join Dr Vivienne Elton, Dr Gabriel Feiler, Dr Melinda Hill and Professor Dianna Kenny to learn about the valuable contributions of psychodynamic psychotherapy to psychiatric practice and mental health care, both within the public and private mental health systems.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is effective for a wide range of mental health presentations, including depression, anxiety, panic, complex trauma and psychophysiological states, and the benefits of therapy grow after treatment has ended.  However, current professional group and sociopolitical pressures are endangering psychodynamic psychotherapy and continuity of care in psychiatric practice. Following the presentations, participants will be able to join with the presenters for further discussion.

Cross-sex hormone treatment


7.30 pm - 7.35pmWelcome & Introduction of speakers.
Dr Vivienne Elton (vice president NAPP)

Vivienne Elton is a Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, Past President and Training Analyst of the Australian Psychoanalytical Society and the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). She is Chair of the IPA Humanitarian Field Committee, convenor of the Crisis and refugees outreach committee, (CARO) and was recently Visiting Professor to the Psychotherapy Training Program in the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in Wuhan, China. She is past President of NAPP and currently Vice President of NAPP.
Vivienne teaches and supervises in the APAS training program, teaches Infant Observation in China and works in private practice in Melbourne, Victoria. She works in private practice in Victoria, Australia as a psychoanalyst and has an interest in working in with mothers and babies, Infant Observation, migrants and refugees, survivors of war and genocide and psychosomatics.
7.35pm - 8.05pmWhat psychotherapy can offer the public mental health service.Dr Gabriel Feiler

Gabriel Feiler is a Psychiatrist who works as a medical psychotherapist in private practice, a psychotherapy supervisor with St Vincent’s hospital, and an honorary fellow of the University of Melbourne. He is a graduate in psychoanalytic psychotherapy with the Victorian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (VAPP). Gabriel is interested in using a developmental model to understand, inform and tailor his patient’s therapy. He is involved in supervision and teaching of psychotherapy and provision of systemic reflective practice for multidisciplinary clinical teams. During the COVID-19 pandemic he has been involved in facilitation of supportive group spaces for medical and allied health to help them think through various systemic issues alongside COVID-19 scenarios. Gabriel has been involved with the RANZCP Victorian Faculty of Psychotherapy (FoP) in his previous role as secretary and member of the FoP committee. He is involved in professional development events and advocacy related to embedding more psychotherapy teaching, training and reflective practice into psychiatric curricula. He shared the primary authorship of the 2019 Victorian FoP submission to the Victorian Royal Commission (now Appendix 1 of the RANZCP Vic Branch submission to the Royal Commission).
8.05pm - 8:35pmEvidence-based psychiatry and psychotherapy: What works?
Professor Dianna Kenny PhD MAPsS

Dianna recently completed a 31-year tenure at The University of Sydney as Professor of Psychology and is now in full time private practice. She is a consultant psychologist, psychotherapist, marriage and family therapist, nationally accredited mediator, and family dispute resolution practitioner. Dianna is the author of 10 books and over 300 journal articles, book chapters, invited submissions to government and commissioned reports, including several books on psychotherapy and psychoanalysis – e.g., Bringing Up Baby: The Psychoanalytic Infant Comes of Age; From Id to Intersubjectivity: Talking about the Talking Cure with Master Clinicians, and God, Freud and Religion: The Origins of Faith, Fear and Fundamentalism. She has lectured undergraduate and postgraduate students in attachment informed psychodynamic psychotherapy and intensive short term dynamic psychotherapy and has published studies on their therapeutic application in severe performance anxiety (see The Psychology of Music Performance Anxiety). For a full listing of publications,
see and
8.35pm - 9.05pmThreats to the future of psychodynamic psychotherapy in psychiatric practice.Dr Melinda Hill
Melinda Hill is a psychiatrist with a private practice in psychodynamic and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. She completed training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy with the Victorian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists (VAPP). Melinda was the Chair of the RANZCP Victorian Faculty of Psychotherapy (FoP) subcommittee and Victorian representative to the RANZCP Binational FoP committee across 2018 to 2020 and during that time co-authored, with Dr Feiler, the 2019 RANZCP Faculty of Psychotherapy submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health, informed the RANZCP responses to the Medicare Benefits Schedule Taskforce draft report from the Psychiatry Clinical Committee and Australian Productivity Commission draft report. Melinda remains a Victorian FoP committee member, teaches in the Melbourne Association of Psychodynamic Psychiatry long course and was appointed to the position of NAPP Secretary in 2020. Melinda was a co-author of the paper ‘Clinical practice guidelines, psychotherapy and implications for psychiatry’, published in Australasian Psychiatry in 2021(
9.05pm -9.30pmQuestions & Discussion: Chaired by Dr Viv Elton

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Limited capacity

In order to keep track of numbers registration are limited to one individual.